Welcome to #0, otherwise known as your world
It's not much different from others. The sun comes up in the morning and sets at night. Brutalism dominates the everyday and nature reclaims the abandoned husks of what were once thriving communities. Propaganda papers every available surface and everything feels as if it is falling apart at the seams. The towering offices of the World Security Maintenance Agency loom over it all.
The thing that separates this world from the vast majority of others is knowledge. More specifically, the knowledge that the multiverse exists, and that it can be travelled. When you come up with an idea for a story, it doesn't come from you. You're simply overhearing it, tapping into events happening in a universe entirely seperate to your own, like tuning into a channel on the radio. Want to visit this new universe? It's not difficult. All you have to do is write yourself into the story.
Unfortunately, this act is highly illegal, as are all forms of storytelling. In fact, writing yourself in, or 'versehopping', is just about the worst crime you can possibly commit. Unlike the vast majority of people, this hasn't stopped you.
You are a member of an underground group that travels the multiverse, hopping between universes the way others cross a street. Your objective? To find a perfect world, or, at the very least, one better than your own.
You've been doing this a long time. You run this enterprise out of one of the many houses that were abandoned in the post-versehopping-ban economic crash. It's on the outskirts of an already derelict city, and vines crawl their way up the peeling walls, curling around windows warped with age. Despite this, you still take all the necessary precautions. You have disguised yourself as a group of private investigators, fulfilling roles left to the wayside when the W.S.M.A was formed: locating missing persons that any official government agency immediately places under suspicion of versehopping. This has long proved to be an effective cover. The W.S.M.A have little interest in amateur detectives so long as you don't get in their way, and if you do solve a few real cases along the way then that can only be a positive. Everything has been running smoothly for years now. Or it was, until members of your group began going missing themselves.
You're a pretty organised group. You split into teams of two, and each team traverses the multiverse for two months at a time before returning back to your world. Then, another team takes their place. This system had always worked without fail, until your friends Terry and Kiev failed to return at the two month mark. Initially, you weren't too worried. It wasn't uncommon for groups to get a little delayed in the process of finding their was back to the connecting world, known amongst you as #n1, so the second group set out on schedule. This group contained Vanna, and, more importantly, Nehir, the person who connected your group to #n1. When two more months passed and neither the first group nor the second returned, you realised something was wrong. However, being cut off from #n1, you were unable to follow their path. You were trapped, unable to do anything to help your missing friends, or even to continue your work in their absence.
Or, you were, until today. Without warning you were written into #n1, the first stepping stone on your travels of the multiverse. To return to #0 would be to forfeit your friends, as you would have no way of getting back to this stepping stone on your own again. Game over. If you choose to try to follow your friend's footsteps, you may have a chance of finding them. However, you may be putting yourself in even more danger than you were in at home.
You have a choice to make.
--Return to #0 or --Play the game

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